Walz Will Vote to Create or Save 3.5 million Jobs Through Recovery Act

Press Release

By: Tim Walz
By: Tim Walz
Date: Feb. 12, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Walz Will Vote to Create or Save 3.5 million Jobs Through Recovery Act

Today, Congressman Tim Walz announced that he will vote for the conference report of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which despite some cutbacks will still create or save 3.5 million American jobs through public infrastructure repairs and rebuilding, and aide to states, local governments and schools. The compromise version of the bill includes a restoration of funding for school repairs and supplemental funding to local school districts to prevent teacher layoffs and increasing class sizes for children. Walz authored a letter this week, which was cosigned by 46 of his colleagues to House leadership requesting the restoration of education funding to the final bill.

"I'm pleased to see that the funding I fought for was restored in the final version of the recovery package," said Walz. "This bill isn't perfect, but the 3.5 million Americans whose livelihood relies on the jobs this bill will create and save certainly don't want to see us let the perfect get in the way of the good. We're committed to turning this recession around and the recovery package is the first step."

"This bill goes a long way to keep our communities strong in these troubling times," continued Walz. "The bill expands broadband in rural areas like southern Minnesota where it is badly needed. The bill will also cut taxes for 95 percent of Americans, allowing families who are hurting to buy the groceries and school supplies they need."

"But most importantly, it invests in jobs and education at all levels and across a variety of sectors. Education is the future of our economy and I'm pleased to see teachers teaching and students from preschool age to college getting a leg up in their efforts to learn and grow towards success in our global economy," concluded Walz.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (HR1) is expected to come to a vote early tomorrow in the House of Representatives. Ninety percent of the jobs created will be in the private sector.

The Recovery Act will:
· Create and save 3.5 million jobs, rebuilding America, making us more globally competitive and energy independent, and transforming our economy.
· Give 95 percent of American workers an immediate tax cut.
· Invest in roads, bridges, mass transit, energy efficient buildings, flood control, clean water projects, and other infrastructure projects.
· Restore science and innovation as the keys to new American-made technology, preventing and treating disease, and tackling urgent national challenges like climate change and dependence on foreign oil.
· Invest quickly into the economy.
