Issue Position: Education

Our Public Schools:

The solution to improving our children's education must be based on choice and competition. I believe charter schools and school vouchers provide both. Every family should have the right to chose where their child is educated regardless of their ability to pay a second tuition. We all pay one tuition through our taxes but we have no choice for the money we pay. If we want a choice, families must pay a second tuition. This is not fair.

Choice and competition will provide many benefits. Educators will agree that the commitment of a family and the community to education is critical to success. Good, interested students should not be held back because those around them do not, for whatever reason, have the same level of commitment or support. Families with means simply chose a public school district where the community is supportive and the schools are successful. With vouchers all, regardless of means, will have this choice.

I believe all would agree that nothing improves without competition. If public schools cannot compete and provide the excellent education our children deserve, they shouldn't survive. Sacrificing our future simply to preserve a failing system is inexcusable. Choice, increased by charter schools and vouchers, will force public schools to improve. Critics of choice suggest public schools would become a system for the less able and troubled students. Assuming this was true (which is essentially an admission that public schools cannot compete, which I don't believe) then resources should be devoted to make these schools the experts in special education.

One thing must be made clear: MONEY IS NOT THE ANSWER. Increased parental involvement, teacher professionalism and accountability are the keys. Competition and choice will provide these keys to success.
Community Colleges:

In the reality of a Global Economy, job requirements change dramatically and quickly. Community colleges can serve a vital role in helping our talented work force adapt. Expansion and improvement of these institutions provides an excellent opportunity for public-private partnerships. Local businesses should be encouraged to become involved with program development and sponsorship; it is in their best interest to do so. To compete, they must have a talented workforce with knowledge of cutting edge technology and product development. Community colleges with real and relevant programs can provide these essential workers.

Part of the American dream is a college education. This is right for some, but not all. Improved community college choices will allow students who want a good education and marketable skills choice. For those that want a bachelor's degree, we should try to make it possible. The Pell Grant program should be evaluated to determine if it can effectively and efficiently be expanded. I, like many of my generation, benefited from government backed school loans. The effectiveness and efficiency of these loans must be considered and, if merited, expanded. I can think of few better investments our government can make than in improving our Nation's opportunity for higher education.
