Issue Position: Official Language

Issue Position

Issues: Foreign Affairs

Declaring English the official language means official government business must be conducted solely in English. This includes all public documents, records, legislation and regulations, as well as hearings, official ceremonies and public meetings. Currently, Congressman Steve King of Iowa is the lead sponsor of an official English bill in the 110th Congress. H.R. 997 is pending in the U.S. House of Representatives.

* Ninety-two percent of the world's countries have at least one official language.

* English is the sole official language in 31 nations.

* In 1999, the average employed immigrant who spoke English very well earned $40,741, more than double the $16,345 earned by immigrants who did not speak English at all.

* 79 percent of Americans, and 81 percent of first and second generation Americans, favor making English the official language of the US.

* A 2001 Gallup poll found that 96 percent of Americans believe that it is essential/important that immigrants living in the United States learn to speak English.

Action Items

* Support Official English legislation in Iowa and nationally

* Write letters-to-the-editor

* Make contributions to candidates supporting the cause

* Contact state and federal legislators
