Issue Position: Energy Security and Independence

Issue Position

The quest for energy security and independence is the single greatest scientific and economic challenge of our time. It is the Apollo Project of our generation, and Tim believes that Southwestern Pennsylvania can be its Cape Canaveral.

The failed policies of Congress -- policies Tim has vigorously opposed -- have made us more dependent on OPEC, more vulnerable to the whims of dangerous dictators, and put the price of gas out of reach for many American families. These policies, which have caused the price of oil to rise from $50 a barrel to well over $100 a barrel in just one year, have prevented us from drilling for our own oil, using our own coal, and refining our own oil into gasoline. These policies have even produced tax breaks for OPEC producers while increasing taxes on American producers. Incredibly, Cuba and China are moving oil rigs ever closer to our coast -- setting up drilling operations just outside US waters. There, they extract the scarce oil we could be using to reduce our dependence on expensive imports.

We must use American energy to meet America's energy needs. Instead of sending our dollars -- and jobs -- overseas, we should expand domestic energy production and keep those dollars and jobs at home. To reduce our dependence on foreign oil and lower the cost of gas, we must build more refineries and -- with strong environmental safeguards -- drill for oil off of America's coasts.

As a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Tim is championing the search for new sources of energy. He supports expanded exploration for natural gas and the construction of new, clean nuclear energy facilities. These programs have already led to the hiring of hundreds of new workers by Pittsburgh-area companies like Westinghouse and their suppliers.

As part of our efforts to diversify our nation's energy supply, we cannot overlook the importance of clean coal technology. The federal government has an important role to play in leading the research effort to create new, highly efficient, super-clean, coal-fired, power plants. Already, there have been significant improvements in plant efficiency and pollution reduction, but there is more to do. Fuel cells, next-generation coal plants, and other cutting edge technologies are within reach if we can muster the political will to enact real change.

The ground beneath our feet holds 300 years worth of coal. 50,000 jobs here depend upon the coal industry. Thousands of other jobs produce landmark research in hydrogen fuel cells. Many of the world's new advances in natural gas and nuclear power are being developed right here in the Pittsburgh area. Hundreds of local companies and tens of thousands of workers -- a whole, thriving segment of our local economy -- depend upon these projects. And now, our nation's energy security depends on them, too.

Our universities and the National Energy Technology Laboratory located in South Park are national leaders in crafting the bold new energy plan America needs. Tim will work to ensure that our region's energy resources are an important part of our nation's energy solution, thereby creating thousands of additional jobs for our region, lowering costs for consumers, and securing our nation's energy independence.
