Wrong Then, Even More Wrong Now

Press Release

By: Jay Love
By: Jay Love
Date: July 25, 2008
Location: Montgomery, AL


Bright Holds On To Pelosi's Money Despite Comments Contrary to 2nd District Values

Rep. Jay Love's campaign today called on Bobby Bright to return campaign contributions he has received from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. This follows comments made by Pelosi calling for the election of more pro-choice Members of Congress and her dismissal of abstinence-only sex education.

Rep. Love said, "In comments made last week Ms. Pelosi took dead-aim at our conservative values when she said she needs more pro-choice Members of Congress and believes that teaching children abstinence is dangerous. This type of policy is wrong for America and even more wrong for the 2nd Congressional District."

On July 20, Ms. Pelosi spoke at a meeting of Netroots Nation where she called abstinence-only a "poor and bad policy." She then stated that it was "dangerous to the health of our young women." She says that to quit spending money on abstinence-only programs "we need more pro-choice Members of Congress." The video featuring these remarks can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlGhAY-oaI4.

Michael Lowry, Love campaign spokesman continued, "It's wrong for Mr. Bright to accept and spend money from someone whose values are clearly not those of 2nd District voters while still claiming to be a conservative," said Rep. Love. Mr. Bright wants to take her money but ignore her policies. He can't have it both ways. Ms. Pelosi is very clear on what her agenda is. Mr. Bright knows who she is and what she believes. On April 8, 2008, Mr. Bright had a chance to reject Ms. Pelosi and her wrong-headed ideas. Instead he cashed her check. Since then he's had 109 days to change his mind. It's bad to take her money, but even worse to spend it telling the world how conservative you are."

On April 8, 2008, Mr. Bright received and cashed a $5,000 check from the "PAC to the Future" committee. In documents filed with the Federal Election Commission, Pelosi's husband, Paul, is listed as the committee's treasurer. Among Pelosi's liberal backers and contributors who believe that PAC to the future represents their interests and promotes their policies are George Soros, a major contributor to ultra-liberal activist groups like MoveOn.org. In addition, the Democrat National Campaign Committee has already placed a $600,000 media buy, a group Pelosi has already given over $700,000. Congresswoman Nancy Boyda (D-KS 2) recently asked that the DCCC not spend any money in her own re-election bid.

"Mr. Bright doesn't want anyone to know that he's chosen to be a Democrat. But unlike Nancy Boyda in Kansas, he's not willing to forgo ultra-liberal Democrat dollars. Instead he plays an independent in Democrat clothing." Lowry concluded. "He can call himself a blue dog, a yellow dog or any other kind of dog but voters in the 2nd District know that the liberal dogs he's hanging out with and taking money from just won't hunt in Alabama.
