Issue Position: Agriculture

Issue Position

Issue Position: Agriculture

I recognize the significant role the agriculture industry plays in Florida's and the 15th Congressional District's economy and in the lives of many Floridians.

Unfortunately, the death tax forces many family farms to sell their land to pay off taxes. This is bad for farmers, families, and for the environment. I voted to end the death tax so that family farms can be passed down from one generation to the next. Preserving family farms is good for families and it is good for our environment by preserving open spaces as development encroaches. The pressure to sell farms for development purposes is great and it is important that families are given every incentive to continue farming.

Additionally, I've supported a significant increase in funding for the Market Access Program (MAP). This program helps U.S. agricultural products compete overseas against heavily subsidized foreign agricultural products. I've also worked to secure funding for the construction and additional staffing of the Agriculture Research Center in Ft. Pierce that is providing important citrus-related research.

In order to enhance public awareness of American grown produce, I've cosponsored legislation and voted to ensure that American grown produce is clearly marked so that Americans can purchase American grown produce and American meats when shopping in grocery stores. This will ensure that Americans can support American farmers when shopping for food. This legislation has been signed into law.

Citrus canker has devastated many citrus crops in southern Florida and is a threat to citrus crops across the state. I have worked to help secure millions of dollars in federal matching funds to help attack the citrus canker that poses such a threat to our citrus industry.
