Issue Position: The War in Iraq

Issue Position

Issue Position: The War in Iraq

Congresswoman DeGette voted against the resolution that granted the authority for President George W. Bush to launch a unilateral attack on Iraq in 2003. This war has gone on for almost five years now, sacrificing the lives of thousands of our courageous soldiers and costing hundreds of billions of dollars. It is time for our military involvement in Iraq to come to an end, and for our troops to come home.

Additionally, despite the mismanagement of the war by President Bush and his Administration, Iraq has its own elected government under its own constitution. Congresswoman DeGette believes it is time for the Iraqi people take responsibility for their own country. In keeping with these views and her long-stated position against the Iraq war, Congresswoman DeGette is committed to establishing a date certain by which our military will leave Iraq and create benchmarks for the Iraqi government to meet. Failure to meet these benchmarks would result in accelerating the withdrawal of U.S. forces. Congresswoman DeGette will continue to work to bring a responsible end to this irresponsible war.

The House of Representatives has made a number of attempts to end the war in Iraq. Below are the bills that comprise these attempts, the date on which they were voted, Congresswoman DeGette's vote, the vote totals, and the status of the bill.
