Hensarling Returns to DC: Demands Emergency Energy Session

Press Release

Date: Aug. 4, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Hensarling Returns to DC: Demands Emergency Energy Session

U.S. Congressman Jeb Hensarling (TX-05) returned to Washington today and demanded a simple up-or-down vote on legislation that would decrease America's dependence on foreign oil.

Hensarling said, "East Texas families have been forced to postpone or cancel their summer vacations due to the high cost of energy, and Washington should do the same. I believe that Congress has both a duty and an historic opportunity to free generations of Americans from the grip of foreign oil. Our national security depends on us acting now."

On Friday, the Speaker adjourned the House of Representatives for five weeks without offering an up-or-down vote on legislation that would free Americans from dependence on oil produced in the Middle East and other countries controlled by dictators who are hostile to America. Dozens of representatives took the unprecedented action of remaining on the floor to demand immediate action on legislation that would set America on a path to energy independence.

Hensarling joined the floor action on Monday, stating, "My goal is simple: I am fighting to make us as energy independent as possible. We can't guarantee that we can produce all of the energy that America needs at home, but by harnessing our own wind, our own solar and biomass resources, our own natural gas and by tapping our own deep sea and arctic reserves that Congress has prohibited, we can get closer than we are today."

Hensarling demanded on the floor that the Speaker reconvene Congress this month and consider an "all of the above" energy action plan. Hensarling noted, "We have a plan—the American Energy Act—that is comprehensive and preventative, meaning that hurricanes or political turmoil in Iran or Venezuela will not put our security in jeopardy or force Texans to choose between buying a gallon of milk of a gallon of gas."

The American Energy Act (HR 6566) is a single, comprehensive bill that would accomplish the following: increase the supply of American-made energy, improve energy conservation and efficiency, and promote renewable and alternative energy technologies. This plan recognizes that all American energy sources, including alternatives to petroleum, are essential to American energy independence.

Hensarling said, "The American Energy Act will allow America to both find more energy and use less of it. It will encourage the best and brightest American scientists to find more energy from American sources and do it in a cleaner way than ever before. As a conservationist, I want to pass along cleaner water and cleaner skies to my children than my parents' generation passed along to us."

Later this month, Hensarling plans to discuss America's energy dependence at 5th District gas stations throughout East Texas. He will offer constituents an opportunity to join his call for an up-or-down a vote on comprehensive legislation to develop more American energy and help the millions of Americans currently feeling pain at the gas pump.

Hensarling also asked President Bush last week to invoke the power vested in Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution that allows him to convene Congress this month to address American energy policy. Hensarling is also gathering support for an effort aimed at allowing the congressional ban on deep-sea energy exploration to expire on October 1.

"I do not think it's too much to ask for the greatest deliberative body in the history of the world to take a simple up or down vote on producing more American energy. I want a national commitment to produce more energy in America for Americans, now," said Hensarling.
