Corker Votes for Legislation to Meet Domestic and Foreign Assistance Needs

Press Release

Date: June 26, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Corker Votes for Legislation to Meet Domestic and Foreign Assistance Needs
Includes Moratorium on Medicaid Rules Preventing Drastic Cut in Services for Tennesseans

U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) today voted for a domestic supplemental appropriations package, which includes critical funding to expand veterans' education benefits, support construction of military and veteran support projects, and to provide aid in the global food crisis. The bill also places a moratorium on six Medicaid regulations, preventing drastic cuts in services to Tennesseans.
"I voted in favor of emergency spending to meet many of our nation's foreign assistance and domestic needs. Together with the war funding we passed last month, this bill represents a commitment to our national security.

"I am particularly pleased that this bill expands education benefits for service members and includes the ability to transfer these critical benefits to a spouse or child. Transferability was a major component of a bill I introduced earlier this year in order to recognize and reward the daily sacrifice and commitment of these great Americans in support of our freedom," said Corker, who introduced the Military Spouse Education and Employment Act in February 2008.

"Finally, the bill places a hold on the implementation of harmful Medicaid rules that would have cut the funding necessary for hospitals to train physicians and care for the uninsured, in addition to reducing vital services for the disabled and children in the foster care system in Tennessee.

"Though I voted for this bill today, I hope that the next Congress and Administration will work jointly to break our current habit of passing emergency spending bills for programs and operations that should be included in the regular budget cycle. We need to restore fiscal discipline and be responsible stewards of American taxpayer dollars."

Included in this domestic supplemental appropriations package are:

Expanded veterans' education benefits, including transferability of the benefit to a spouse or child
$4.6 billion for military construction, veterans and military hospitals
$8.3 billion for domestic disaster aid
$1.25 billion for global food aid
Provisions to place a moratorium on six Medicaid regulations that would cut services to seniors, families, and those with disabilities as well as cut payments to safety net providers

The Senate previously passed the war funding amendment to the emergency supplemental appropriations bill on May 22, 2008 by a vote of 70-26. This amendment provides $165.4 billion for military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world in support of the Global War on Terrorism. This funding level was reduced to $161.8 billion to fund additional domestic needs.
