Issue Position: Second Amendment

Issue Position

Issue Position: Second Amendment

My stance on guns is simple. The Second Amendment protects the individual's right to own and possess firearms.

I don't say this lightly. I am a life member of the National Rifle Association and have used firearms all of my life. My father and mother taught me early on to shoot and to use a gun responsibly. It was through hunting and fishing that I grew a deep appreciation for this state's wildlife and how important our connection to the land is. I have worked hard to foster a deeper respect for hunting and fishing among youth, "city folk," and nature lovers. It is critical as we enter the 21st century, that we maintain and improve the connection citizens in Wyoming have to the outdoors. Hunting and the proper use of guns are an important part of this relationship.

There is another reason why we need to protect a citizen's right to own and posses a firearm. It is one that was brought home to us on a January evening in 2000 when my wife Jennie, using a pistol, was able to drive off an intruder who had broken her front door intent on doing her harm. My wife has a concealed weapon permit which since then we have both felt is necessary for her safety. I know I am not alone in my certainty that we are responsible for our own self defense and we cannot always rely on government protection.

Gun ownership is a right and a responsibility. I will fight against efforts to restrict gun ownership in any way. The Second Amendment is central to our citizenship and our evolution as a nation.
