Tester: Flag Day Unites Americans


Date: June 13, 2008
Location: Billings, MT

Tester: Flag Day Unites Americans

Senator Jon Tester released the following statement in advance of Flag Day tomorrow, June 14—the day Joe Papez will be laid to rest in Red Lodge, Mont. :

"These days it's easy to get tied up debating about what's right and wrong for our country. But Flag Day is a reminder that we're all united as Americans.

It's fitting that Joe Papez wanted to be laid to rest on Flag Day. Joe passed away earlier this month at the age of 100. Joe earned three Purple Hearts, a Silver Star and a Bronze Star while defending everything our flag stands for during World War II.

Joe raised an American flag every day in front of his home in Red Lodge. He never called it his flag. To Joe, it was always our flag. He displayed our flag because he was proud of what it symbolizes: freedom, hope, opportunity and sacrifice.

Many Americans live for and have died for those things. Joe Papez never forgot that. Nor should we."
