Bringing an End to Hateful Speech in the Middle East

Date: April 9, 2008
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Foreign Affairs

BRINGING AN END TO HATEFUL SPEECH IN THE MIDDLE EAST -- (House of Representatives - April 09, 2008)

(Mr. PITTS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, the Middle East Research Institute, which monitors extremist media, recently reported on a disturbing children's production that aired on Hamas TV. The program, aimed at a child audience, depicted a little boy who accuses President Bush, along with Israel, of killing his family. In the show, the boy proceeds to take out a sword and stabs the President to death. This is a children's program.

There is little chance for peace in the Middle East if the young minds of the region are polluted with this type of hatred and violence. Many young people in the region are being exposed to similar messages in their school textbooks.

I commend the Council of Religious Leaders in the Holy Land, religious leaders from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faith who are working together to counter this type of hate speech and violent message, and they do it with moral authority. We need more brave leaders like those on the Council if we are going to create a condition for peacemaking in the Middle East.
