Issue Position: Good Jobs, Strong Economy

Issue Position

Issue Position: Good Jobs, Strong Economy

Tom Allen supports an innovative economic agenda that focuses on education, job training, funding for research and development, incentives for the development of cutting edge technology, and keeping our workforce strong.

Understanding that Maine workers are second to none, Tom also knows that the harmful economic policies of the Bush Administration have tipped the balance away from working people, weakening the state's economy and making things harder for our families and individuals.

He opposes trade agreements written by and for large corporate interests at the expense of Maine workers. Tom has always opposed "fast-track" trade authority because it allows the President too much power to negotiate deals that help big corporations and agribusinesses while shipping manufacturing jobs overseas.

Tom opposes giving corporations who move jobs overseas tax breaks and believes we should shift those breaks to businesses that create and maintain jobs right here in Maine and across America.
Because union workers tend to have better pay, better retirement, better health insurance, and safer workplaces than non-union workers, Tom is proud to stand by working people in support of legislation like the Employee Free Choice Act, which makes it easier for workers to form unions.

Maine shipbuilders are the best in the world, and Tom has always stood with them to fight efforts to steer work away from Maine. A tireless support of Navy shipbuilding at Bath Iron Works, Tom also fought to keep the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard open during the BRAC process. He opposes the Defense Department's misnamed National Security Personal System that would dismantle the key protections for shipyard workers.
