Issue Position: End the War in Iraq and Win the War in Afghanistan

Issue Position

Issue Position: End the War in Iraq and Win the War in Afghanistan

The War in Iraq was a mistake and we must bring our brave young men and women home in a way that is both responsible and safe. We must refocus our efforts from a military offensive to a diplomatic one, working to bring stability to the region while bringing our American heroes home. While some progress has been made by our brave servicemen and women, the Iraqis must take responsibility for their country and begin seeking long-term solutions among themselves. Our brave men and women in uniform rid Iraq of a terrible dictator, and now it is the Iraqi people and leaders who must stand up and seize the opportunity they have been given to create a free and functioning Iraq.

At the same time, the Taliban and Al-Qaeda are beginning a new offensive in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the failed policies of the Bush Administration in Iraq have left our forces in Afghanistan without the resources they need to continue winning the war against those who were responsible for the murder of nearly 3,000 of Americans on September 11, 2001. Jane will fight to increase our presence and resources in Afghanistan so that our troops have the tools they need to beat Al-Qaeda and find Osama bin Laden.

In Congress, Jane will fight every day to see to it no American soldier ever goes into combat again without everything they need. Jane will be a voice for keeping America's military the best-equipped, strongest, most technologically-advanced in the world.
