Goodlatte Statement Following President Bush's State of the Union Address

Date: Jan. 28, 2008
Location: Washington, DC


"Tonight President Bush delivered his final State of the Union address which marks the beginning of his last year in office. The President articulated to the American people in very frank terms the challenges that our nation is currently facing, both domestically and internationally.

On the home front, the President focused on the need for sustained economic growth and job creation, calling on Congress to make permanent the tax relief which was so pivotal to our most recent economic upswing. In response to the economic slowdown our country is facing, due in large part to the strain of the subprime lending crunch and rising gas, heating, and food prices, the President laid out the details of the bipartisan economic stimulus legislation which the House of Representatives will consider tomorrow.

The legislation is designed to inject money into our economy by sending out rebates to an estimated 117 million American families. In addition to this immediate tax rebate, the economic stimulus legislation offers tax incentives for businesses that will spur investment. More investment in the business sector of our economy means more jobs for Americans, which is fundamental to a healthy economy.

I am very pleased that this bipartisan approach focuses on cutting the tax burden for middle class Americans and tax cuts for businesses that provide the jobs that keep our economy running, instead of increasing spending and growing the government. This is the right and fiscally responsible way to deal with this threat to our economy, and will help achieve long-term economic growth.

In addition, I was particularly encouraged by the President's call to take the important next steps to improve our energy security. Energy is vital to every sector of the U.S. economy, including homes, small businesses and industries. When energy supplies are tight, families and businesses are severely impacted by the resulting increase in energy costs. We need a comprehensive energy policy based on exploration, innovation, and conservation. We should invest in clean coal, exploration for oil and gas, and new technologies such as renewable and alternative energy like wind, solar, ethanol and hydrogen. This is vital to growing our economy, creating quality jobs, and making America stronger.

The President also spoke of the importance of completing our mission in Iraq by continuing to advance the spread of freedom and democracy. He asked for continued support of our servicemen and women who are bravely fighting for freedom in Iraq and around the world.

Despite the challenging road ahead, the President reminded Americans of what we already knew. We are more than equal to the task before us."
