Border Security Update

Press Release

Date: Dec. 29, 2007
Issues: Immigration

Border Security Update

Dear Neighbor:

I hope you and your family are enjoying this holiday season and preparing to celebrate the New Year. I wanted to share a good article about an important law enforcement program being implemented along the border called "Operation Streamline." This program is producing immediate and tangible results in the fight to secure our borders.

Even though border security is far and away the number one issue for Houstonians, our hometown paper - the Houston Chronicle - refuses to cover any story that does not fit their open borders agenda. This story in today's Washington Times accurately describes the work I am doing to restore law and order to the border by enforcing existing law with zero tolerance. This new policy enjoys the full support of the local community and the local congressmen.

During the October 26 press conference to announce the expansion of Operation Streamline to Laredo, Border Patrol Sector Chief Carlos Carrillo made the following statement:

"There is no question that the Streamline program works. I have no doubt that Streamline-Laredo will be successful based on the enthusiastic commitment that has been pledged to me by each of the agencies involved with the program. I would like to especially thank Representative John Culberson for his support of the program. Unquestionably, his profound interest in border security and his first-hand familiarity with Streamline-Del Rio proved to be the catalyst that made Streamline-Laredo a reality today."


"A strict policy to arrest, prosecute and jail illegal aliens who cross into the U.S. has shown significant success in reducing crossings and crime along the Texas border, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol officials said this month.

"The Laredo Police Department's crime data for Oct. 31-Dec. 15 indicates a year-to-date reduction in reported crimes of approximately 30 percent, and a 36 percent decrease in major crimes during the 45-day Streamline-Laredo reporting period."
