Jimmie Vaughan: the king of Blues!

Date: Jan. 6, 2004

January 06, 2004

Fellow Fire Lighters,

The clock is ticking, and time is running out! Jon Airheart and I MUST leave Austin at "oh-dark-thirty" Thursday morning. That is less than 48 hours from now, and it feels like I have half a million things to do before we head north to our first scheduled appearance. Needless to say, I will be keeping this newsletter very short.

Anyone who failed to attend our Holiday Gala Saturday night missed out on an unbelievable evening of entertainment! The Travis County Libertarian Party managed to bring in not one, BUT THREE outstanding musical groups. Even for someone with my limited knowledge of music, it was obvious that these bands knew what they were doing. The first was Slim Ritchie, who openly declares himself to be a Libertarian. His group started out the evening and played while dinner was being served. The second group was Mopac and the Blue Suburbans. Several times, while I was supposed to be visiting with potential contributors, I found myself stopping to listen to their smooth sounds. However the undisputed celebrity of the evening was my good friend, Jimmie Vaughan. Nearly everyone squeezed into a spot in front of the stage to hear Jimmie and his band wail the Blues. I confess that I've only heard Jimmie play live once before, and I've listened to several of his CDs while driving in the car. None of that compared to what I heard him play on Saturday. Wow!

Before we closed for the evening, Jimmie donated a brand new Fender guitar which is sold as his autographed model. He played two songs on it with the price tag still dangling off the end. He autographed it for the lady who bid $980 for the dream of owning a now famous instrument. Thank you, Jimmie! You have my eternal gratitude. To everyone else - make your reservations in Atlanta NOW. Trust me. You don't want to miss Jimmie's performance at the national convention.

I am very pleased to report that people are starting to make reservations for my Constitution classes across the country. I am also starting to SELL a few of my books. I haven't had time to generate my new website, however orders can be placed by sending an eMail to Constitution@badnarik.org. Copies of IT'S GOOD TO BE KING! are being offered for $20.

That's all I have time for. I'm running around like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, shouting "I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date! No time to say hello-goodbye, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"

Lighting the fires of Liberty, one heart at a time!

Michael Badnarik

P.S. I want to clear up a widespread misunderstanding. I do not live in Buda! My treasurer does. Please send very large contributions to her at the address below. I still get my personal mail in Austin, Texas.
