Schwartz: Mr. President Put Down Your Veto Pen – Sign into Law a Plan that Protects the Health of America's Kids


Date: Sept. 25, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Schwartz: Mr. President Put Down Your Veto Pen - Sign into Law a Plan that Protects the Health of America's Kids

U.S. Representative Allyson Y. Schwartz today voted in strong support of reauthorizing the Children's Health Insurance Program. The bipartisan bill passed 265 to 159.

Schwartz's statement follows below.

"As one of the original architects of CHIP in Pennsylvania, I have seen firsthand that it is possible to bring together public and private stakeholders and expand health coverage to millions of children -- children of working families who cannot afford the increasing cost of coverage.

"As the September 30th deadline to reauthorize CHIP quickly approaches, American families are counting on us to live up to the promises we have made and secure coverage for 10 million American children.

"The Democratic majority understands the needs of working families, and has negotiated for weeks to craft the commonsense compromise legislation before us.

"This plan has a broad-based coalition of supporters ranging from our nation's seniors, to our unions, businesses, insurance companies and health care providers, who have put aside their differences in support of CHIP reauthorization.
