Al Qaeda In Iraq

Floor Speech

Date: July 26, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

AL QAEDA IN IRAQ -- (House of Representatives - July 26, 2007)

Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speaker, some Members of Congress are proposing legislation that would attempt to develop a new military strategy for our troops in Iraq. This meddling by politicians ties the hands of our capable military. We should trust in the leadership of GEN David Petraeus and not second-guess his efforts to protect American families.

Senator Joe Lieberman, former Democratic Vice Presidential candidate, recently said, "The fanatics ..... who exhort the tens of thousands to shout 'Death to America' ..... don't distinguish between Republicans and Democrats ..... and we should have the common sense, let alone the sense of responsibility to our country, to come together to defend our Nation against those who want to destroy us.''

Failing to secure Iraq will provide a fertile ground for terrorist safe havens, threatening America and our allies. Osama bin Laden and Zawahiri have both stated that Iraq is a central front in the global war on terror. We must stop the terrorists overseas and not face them again in the streets of America.

In conclusion, God bless our troops, and we will never forget September the 11th.
