Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Date: Jan. 11, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH -- (House of Representatives - January 11, 2007)

Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased that with the vote recently completed, we will move toward research in embryonic stem cells.

My home State of New Jersey asserted real national leadership on stem cell research. In 2005, New Jersey became the first State in the Nation to award public funds for research on human embryonic stem cells. But one State or another supporting this research is not a substitute for Federal support.

Opponents of this legislation that we passed say that we should pursue alternative avenues for research such as adult stem cells, cord blood cells, amniotic fluid cells, and they are correct. We should investigate each one of these avenues. Yet that is not a compelling reason to block the researchers from pursuing embryonic stem cell research, which experts agree hold the greatest potential because of the truly broad nature of these embryonic stem cells.

