Time for a New Direction

Date: Sept. 27, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

TIME FOR A NEW DIRECTION -- (House of Representatives - September 27, 2006)

(Mr. BERRY asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. BERRY. Mr. Speaker, I encourage everyone to keep in their hearts and minds and certainly in your prayers our men and women in uniform and those on the battlefield this morning.

Mr. Speaker, it is time, it is time for a new direction. It is time for health care that the American people can afford.

It is time for Social Security that we can depend on. It is time to have jobs that do not disappear. And it is amazing, it demonstrates the way the big oil companies have managed to abuse the American people to the point where they think $2.15 for gasoline is a good deal. That is shocking.

It is time for us to go in a new direction: Leadership that honestly serves our goals of peace and prosperity, security by getting the job done rather than blaming somebody else because of the failures of this administration.

It is time to go in this new direction, and we should not recess this Congress until these goals are reached.

