Trupiano Calls On McCotter To Quit Ducking The Issue Of The DeLay Scandal

Date: April 4, 2006
Location: Dearborn Heights, MI

Trupiano Calls On McCotter To Quit Ducking The Issue Of The DeLay Scandal

For Immediate Release

Contact: PeteSherman 866-209-8031 ext. 112

April 4, 2006

Trupiano Calls on McCotter to Quit Ducking the Issue of the DeLay Scandal

Dearborn Heights, MI—Democratic congressional candidate Tony Trupiano today called on Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI) to let the people of the 11th District know exactly where he stands on the scandal and corruption that directly lead to Tom DeLay's announcement last night that he would resign from Congress in June.

"For too long, Thad McCotter has ducked and dodged the issue of the corruption, cronyism and ethical lapses that have plagued the Republican so-called ‘leadership' in Washington," Trupiano said. "It is high time McCotter come clean about exactly what he thinks about these scandals and the vice-grip the special interests have on Congress. Until he does, and until he returns the $20,000 in tainted money DeLay funneled to his campaign, the people of the 11th District can only be left to assume McCotter endorses DeLay's particularly corrupt brand of politics."

Thus far, McCotter , who was on DeLay's leadership team, speaks only in generic and carefully-worded platitudes about the burgeoning scandal, saying only that the DeLay scandal is a "a big problem, a broadening problem." (Washington Post, January 30, 2006)

"Saying that a scandal of this magnitude is a ‘problem' is about as insightful as saying you think the sky is blue," Trupiano said. "Before the people of the 11th District can make an informed decision about whether Thad McCotter deserves to go back to Congress after November, he is going to have to speak clearly and honestly about Tom DeLay and the corruption that ran rampant on his watch.

"Today is a true test of Thad McCotter's character," Tony Trupiano said. "Actions speak much louder than words, and if McCotter truly believes such corruption and scandal "is a big problem," then he should immediately return the $20,000 in dirty money. Failure to do so seems to me yet another example of Thad McCotter putting power ahead of doing what is right."

