The Difficult, Unenviable Plight of Israel

Date: July 18, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Foreign Affairs

THE DIFFICULT, UNENVIABLE PLIGHT OF ISRAEL -- (House of Representatives - July 18, 2006)

(Mr. PRICE of Georgia asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, can you imagine having thousands of enemy rockets rain down on American soil, on American cities? How threatened would we feel?

This is exactly what Israel is facing today again. The recent, unprovoked attacks on Israel are deplorable. They are made all the more concerning because of the commendable unilateral Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon in 2000, which vividly demonstrated their desire for peace.

With United Nations Resolution 1559, Lebanon was charged with controlling their southern territory and disarming Hezbollah. The world should seize the opportunity now to assist and finally accomplish 1559.

America must strongly support Israel's right of self-defense while, at the same time, working to strengthen the democratically elected government in Lebanon.

I am encouraged by the unanimity of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan in condemning the action of Iran and the actions of Hezbollah.

The war on terror is truly a global war, and the civilized world must condemn these attacks and strive to work together to end the scourge of terrorist violence.
