American-Made Energy and Good Jobs Act

Date: May 25, 2006
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of the American Made Energy and Good Jobs Act.

Exploring for energy in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would be a major step toward energy independence for America.

Energy markets are uncertain and American consumers feel the pinch at the pump whenever there is the slightest market disruption.

American families should not have to risk their energy future on the whims of foreign dictators, rebel forces, and regimes that do not have America's interests in mind.

From Venezuela, to Nigeria, to Saudi Arabia, America continues to gamble its economic future through dependence on foreign oil. The time to stop this is now.

The way to stop this is by increasing domestic production of oil.

The Energy Information Administration estimates that ANWR is capable of producing more than 1.5 million barrels of oil a day, more than U.S. imports from Saudi Arabia, or Venezuela on any given day.

This effort should not stop with ANWR. We must also explore the reserves that lie off of our shores in the Outer Continental Shelf.

The only way to secure our energy future is to utilize the resources we have here at home.

