Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2007

Date: May 25, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Environment

DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2007 -- (House of Representatives - May 25, 2006)


Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of this amendment, which would provide funding for FEMA to conduct a comprehensive study of its emergency response and disaster relief services as a result of weather-related disasters associated with global warming.

There is no doubt in my mind that global warming is happening and that man is contributing to it. Now, it is our responsibility to work to mitigate the impacts of potentially catastrophic climate change.

2005 is currently tied with 1998 for the warmest year on record. However, the warmth in 2005 is remarkable because, in contrast to 1998, it was not boosted by El Nino. And since 1990, we've had the 10 hottest years on record.

Hurricanes are getting stronger, heat waves are hitting harder and more often, and the polar ice cap and Greenland's ice are melting. Several weeks ago, the Northeast saw some of the worst flooding in 70 years, and the strength of Hurricane Katrina created a tragedy of Biblical proportions. These examples of what climate change can do tell us we must act now before another disaster hits.

We need to address climate change with concerted action and with bipartisan dialogue, regional cooperation and an alliance between industry and environmentalists.

The threat from global warming is very real, and we must act now to combat potentially catastrophic climate change. We cannot leave this legacy to our children and grandchildren. We simply will not have a world to live in if we continue our neglectful ways.

