Pryce Welcomes White House Efforts to Combat Identity Theft

Date: May 10, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Pryce Welcomes White House Efforts to Combat Identity Theft

Congresswoman Deborah Pryce (R-Upper Arlington) praised an Executive Order signed by the President today to create an Identity Theft Task Force to better utilize the law enforcement resources of the federal government to crack down on identity theft.

Pryce said, "As Congress narrows in on comprehensive legislation to better protect our personal information, I am pleased to see the White House buttress our efforts by sending a powerful message to identity thieves that their days are numbered. American families and consumers deserve every protection our government has to offer to prevent this devastating crime."

"Today, identity theft is the most important consumer protection issue facing our nation, and having held identity theft workshops in central Ohio, I know firsthand that Americans are looking for answers in how to combat this crime. If the vast resources of the federal government can be better harnessed to thwart thieves and scam artists and to educate consumers as to how we can better protect ourselves, Americans will be that much closer to enjoying true data security."

Pryce is the lead cosponsor of three legislative efforts to protect consumer information from theft and create federal standards by which companies would secure their customers' data. The bills also create a national, uniform process by which companies must notify customers after a data breach has occurred.
