Recognizing Tyler Mastin

Floor Speech

Date: May 7, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize someone whose service has been instrumental in the lives of constituents in Arizona's Eighth Congressional District, Tyler Mastin.

Tyler's service to the Eighth District began in August of 2022 as a constituent services representative in my Surprise, Arizona, District Office.

During his tenure, Tyler has expertly navigated casework for over 300 constituents who had encountered difficulties with various Federal agencies. As a result of his efforts, he directly saved constituents over $547,000. This is an incredible achievement that made a huge difference in the lives of constituents and their families.

Tyler also displayed leadership abilities by managing both the Congressional App Challenge and the Congressional Art Competition and has been an invaluable member of my district team.

I would like to thank Tyler for his leadership and service to our district. His dedication and determination were critical to the success of our constituent service programs and improved the lives of those in the Eighth Congressional District.

Mr. Speaker, I thank Tyler.

