U.S. House Passes Rep. Caraveo’s Fire Weather Development Act

Press Release

Date: April 29, 2024
Location: Washington, DC

“The threat of wildfire is very serious in Colorado, as we’ve seen several fires burn hundreds of thousands of acres in recent years. At the same time, we’ve made incredible technological advancements that could help NOAA forecast, detect, and warn of wildfires before they spread. That’s why I’m proud to co-lead this bipartisan legislation with Rep. Garcia and Rep. Kim to help bring those technologies to NOAA Boulder and facilitate coordinated efforts to keep Coloradans safe.

I’m grateful for my colleagues’ broad, bipartisan support of this legislation. I’ll continue to press for the Senate to take up this legislation and for President Biden to sign it into law to help our communities prepare for the wildfire threats that lay ahead of us.”
