Extension of Continuing Appropriations and Other Matters Act, 2024

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 29, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. President, I ask 4 minutes equally divided prior to the vote on the motion.


Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. President, as we assess an embarrassing fiscal fiasco, I believe a full-year continuing resolution funding the remainder of this year at last year's levels is the least of the evils we face tonight.

Our amendment will effectively freeze spending and save American taxpayers at least $70 billion.

Look, here we are already 5 months late, and I see no path to gathering in the reins of an out-of-control budget process. American taxpayers full well understand we have a broken budget process, and every Senator here knows we have not done any serious work on the Senate floor with appropriations bills since October, already 4 months into the fiscal year.

And while the Appropriations Committee should be commended for accomplishing its job in a timely fashion last July, American taxpayers also realize these individual appropriations bills could have easily been brought to the floor one at a time, exposed to sunlight and cameras, amended, and then passed in a timely fashion months ago.

But today we realize the symptoms of a bigger problem. Today, we feel the pain of a disease of failed congressional budget process, which gives too much power to too few people. But just like American families, the American Government needs to learn to live within its means, and that is why I hope soon we can turn to legislation that will secure a more stable, competent budget process.

We need to get this year's appropriations process behind us, pass a yearlong CR, and then address legislation which brings teeth to an old budget law that forces the President and Congress to do our job in a competent, timely fashion.

And, finally, our amendment also funds Israel at the White House's request, thus showing the world once again America stands besides Israel.
