Lng Ban Hurts Americans

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 5, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to this administration's latest attack on the American energy industry, and I thank my very good friend, Congressman Joyce, for holding this Special Order.

President Biden's LNG export ban is nothing more than a political stunt simply to appease the far-left activists. It has become abundantly clear that President Biden and his administration lack a competent understanding of global energy markets. This export ban will fuel higher costs for families here at home and push our allies abroad into the hands of our adversaries.

Hoosiers watching at home won't be fooled by false claims of environmental stewardship.

American LNG is the cleanest form of natural gas available and has allowed the U.S. to lead the world in emission reductions.

Since day one, the Biden administration has led our Nation into an energy crisis of their own making, and we have arrived:

Energy costs are through the roof. Our electric grid is on the brink of failure, and all forms of reliable baseload power are retiring at an alarming rate, leaving us perilously afraid of the future.

House Republicans are not alone in our concerns. Engineers, grid operators, refiners, and the rest of our energy industry are saying in unison: This will not work, and it is not working right now.

It is past time this administration paid attention to the experts and not radical environmentalists.

