Governor Moore and Lieutenant Governor Miller Issue Statements on the One-Year Anniversary of Dobbs v. Jackson

Press Release

Date: June 24, 2023

"The Supreme Court's ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson overturned nearly fifty years of precedent and created a detrimental impact on health care access for women around the country. In states where abortion bans are in effect, women experience worse health outcomes, delayed access to care, and unnecessary health complications, while reproductive health care providers face potential criminal consequences. These attacks on women and health care providers will not stand in Maryland. As long as I am governor, our state will be a safe haven for abortion access.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that access to reproductive health care is protected now and for generations to come. I am proud to stand in solidarity with other governors, lawmakers, advocates, and citizens across the nation in the unrelenting fight to ensure that women are able to make their own decisions about their health."
