Good Dogs Sniff Out Invasive Species to Protect America's Agriculture

Congressman John Moolenaar is a cosponsor of the Beagle Brigade Act, a bill that will permanently authorize the operations of a national center that trains dogs to sniff out invasive species in order to prevent damage to farm crops. The National Detector Dog Training Center, located in Newnan, Georgia, was started in 1984 and it is run by the Department of Agriculture.

"Michigan's economy relies on agriculture and we need to do everything we can to protect farmers and their crops from invasive species. This legislation will help train more good dogs so they can sniff out and stop these threats from entering the country," said Congressman Moolenaar, Michigan's only member of the House Appropriations subcommittee which funds and oversees the Department of Agriculture.

The center primarily trains beagles. After the dogs complete the training, they work at airports and ports to inspect freight and passenger baggage for prohibited plants that could carry invasive pests or animal diseases into our country.

The Beagle Brigade Act is bipartisan legislation led by Sanford Bishop (D-GA).
