Sarbanes Votes to Protect Marriage Equality, Contraception Access

Press Release

Date: July 21, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

This week, Congressman John Sarbanes (D-Md.) voted to pass a pair of bills in response to the Supreme Court's decision overturning Roe v. Wade, which signaled the Court's willingness to strike down other settled precedents affecting marriage equality and contraception access.

To preemptively defend these constitutionally protected rights, the Congressman voted to enshrine them in federal law by advancing the Right to Contraception Act and the Respect for Marriage Act.

"Passage of this legislation affirms our commitment to the rights, autonomy and dignity of all Americans," said Congressman Sarbanes. "Codifying the right to marry who you love and choose when to start a family will shield these fundamental freedoms from the extremist Supreme Court, which has demonstrated a deep disregard for precedent and the human impact of its decisions."

He concluded, "Last week, I voted to restore abortion rights and ensure that all Americans -- no matter where they live -- can access abortion care. I will continue to support legislation to stop the Supreme Court from turning back the clock on civil rights."

More information about the bills:

The Right to Contraception Act (H.R. 8373) would guarantee the right to obtain and prescribe birth control, including oral contraception, emergency contraception and IUDs.

The Respect for Marriage Act (H.R. 8404) would codify the right to marriage equality for same-sex and interracial couples, fully repeal the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act and provide additional legal protections to ensure equal protections for all.
