Chairman David Scott Statement on Lack of Domestic Ag Funding in Ukraine Supplemental


Date: May 10, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

House Agriculture Committee Chairman David Scott of Georgia released the following statement in response to the lack of domestic funding for agriculture in the Ukraine supplemental package:
"We have been working closely with the other three corners of the Agriculture Committees to evaluate options as it relates to the impacts of the war in Ukraine, and we will continue that work," said Chairman David Scott. "We were not able to come to agreement on steps that need to be taken at this point in the U.S. growing season in time for this supplemental request."

"I appreciate how seriously the Biden-Harris Administration is monitoring the impacts of the conflict on world supplies of commodities and looking for opportunities to help producers here at home increase domestic production. I am also pleased with Secretary Tom Vilsack indicating that the Department is looking at potential flexibilities for our producers and will look forward to continuing to work with him on legislative authorities that may be needed," added Chairman David Scott.
