Vote Explanation

Date: July 10, 2003
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CHAFEE. Mr. President, earlier this week, I voted in favor of invoking cloture on the motion to proceed to S. 11, the Patients First Act of 2003. My vote was not an endorsement of S. 11 as it was introduced in the Senate. In fact, I have concerns about various aspects of the bill—including the $250,000 cap on noneconomic damages—and I anticipate supporting amendments to S. 11 if the Senate has an opportunity to fully debate this legislation.

However, I do believe that reform of the medical liability system should be part of a comprehensive response to surging medical malpractice premiums that endanger Americans' access to quality medical care by causing doctors to leave certain communities or cease practicing medicine altogether. For this reason, I voted for cloture on S. 11 in an effort to move the debate forward.

I commend Senator FEINSTEIN of California for working with the majority leader to craft a bipartisan proposal for reform, and I am hopeful that they will revive their discussions in the near future.
