Second Amendment Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Lauren Boebert Takes Action to End Federal Gun Registry


Rep. Lauren Boebert stated, "As co-chair of the Second Amendment Caucus, I am honored to join my friend, Congressman Michael Cloud in introducing the No REGISTRY Rights Act. Even though a federal firearms registry is prohibited by law, today, the ATF has records of nearly 1 billion firearm transactions. Like many law-abiding gun owners, I don't trust the Biden regime or the federal government with this information. This bill ensures these records are deleted, restores privacy, and defends the Second Amendment."

Congressman Michael Cloud said, "The Second Amendment is clear, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. There is no reason for law-abiding American gun owners to be subjected to excessive scrutiny on the firearms they own by the federal government. My bill would dismantle ATF's record keeping, restore privacy for American gun owners, and reverse the groundwork laid in the creation of a federal firearms registry."

Rep. Thomas Massie stated, "Governments should not have a list, in any country, of the people who possess the firearms meant to keep those very governments in check. Gun registries are precursors to gun confiscation and should not exist. As Co-Chair of the Second Amendment caucus, I applaud Rep. Cloud for introducing legislation directing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to delete existing transaction records that the Biden Administration is using to create a federal firearms registry."

Rep. Dan Bishop stated, "There is no excuse for the Biden Administration to violate the law by compiling massive amounts of data on America's law-abiding gun owners. The casualness with which this Administration abuses constitutional rights is appalling. Every Republican, and every member of Congress for that matter, should be fighting this by cosponsoring Rep. Cloud's No REGISTRY Rights Act."

Rep. Andrew Clyde said, "As a steadfast supporter of the Second Amendment and a Federal Firearms Licensee by trade, I find the ATF's egregious abuse of power deeply unsettling and in need of swift action from Congress in order to protect law-abiding gun owners' privacy and Second Amendment rights. We cannot allow unelected bureaucrats to blatantly ignore the law and dangerously trample on Americans' freedoms, which is why this legislation is so important in ensuring the federal government does not maintain a firearm registry. I'm proud to support Rep. Cloud's bill, and I will never stop defending Americans' unalienable right to keep and bear arms."

Rep. Paul Gosar stated, "Recent troubling news reports now shine a light on just how far Mr. Biden will go to weaken the rights of gun owners by altering existing federal laws prohibiting the federal government from stockpiling a federal database on gun owners. The government has no business whatsoever maintaining a gun and gun owner registry. Congress must oppose any efforts by the federal government creating a federal firearms registry, and I pleased to be a cosponsor of the No REGISTRY Rights Act."


The Firearm Owners' Protection Act of 1986 explicitly prohibits the federal government from establishing a federal firearms registry. Even so, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has retained 1 billion firearm transaction records from FFLs (Federal Firearms License) that went out of business. The Biden administration is also rolling out a new rulemaking to require FFLs to preserve all firearm transaction records and lay the groundwork for a national firearms registry.

The No Retaining Every Gun In a System That Restricts Your (REGISTRY) Rights Act directs the ATF to delete all existing firearm transaction records and require FFLs to destroy their firearm transaction records if they go out of business.

Second Amendment Caucus Co-Chairs Rep. Lauren Boebert and Rep. Thomas Massie joined Rep. Michael Cloud and other Members of Congress at a press conference introducing the No REGISTRY Rights Act. The full press conference is available here.

Gun Owners of America supports the No REGISTRY Rights Act.
