Hoyer Statement on Asian Pacific American Heritage Month


Date: May 1, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today on Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, which is observed throughout May:

"I join in celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, which begins today and is observed throughout May. All month long, we pay tribute to the heritage, history, and achievements of Asian-American and Pacific-Islander communities throughout our country, which have contributed so much to the security, strength, prosperity, and vibrancy of America from our earliest days. I'm proud to serve alongside so many wonderful Asian-American and Pacific-Islander Members in our House Democratic Caucus, who play a leading role in shaping House Democrats' agenda both individually and together through the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC).

"Together, we've worked hard to ensure that Asian-American and Pacific-Islander communities are made safer, stronger, and more resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic and as we build a better and stronger America as we emerge from it. When anti-Asian hate rose during that period, I worked closely with Rep. Grace Meng, Chairwoman Judy Chu, and others from CAPAC and across our Democratic Caucus to pass legislation confronting that hatred and speaking out against such bigotry. Our work to address anti-Asian hate is far from over, and I am grateful for my colleagues' leadership as we confront the scourge of anti-Asian violence across the country. In addition, just last week, I was glad to bring legislation to the Floor that would study constructing a national museum to teach and celebrate the history and heritage of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

"As we continue the work of creating economic opportunities and securing equal justice for all, House Democrats will keep fighting to ensure that Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have their voices heard and a seat at the table. Without these communities, America would be incomplete; with Asian-American and Pacific Islanders participating fully in our national life, we will surely be stronger, safer, and better positioned for success in the years and decades ahead. I join in thanking CAPAC for its outstanding work, and I look forward to joining my colleagues from CAPAC in celebrating Asian-Americans' and Pacific Islanders' heritage all month long and year-round."
