Palmer Introduces Resolution Condemning the Biden Administration for Turning to Venezuelan and Iranian Oil

Press Release

Date: April 1, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Gary Palmer (AL-06) has introduced H.Res. 1020, which decries the Biden Administration for looking to Venezuela and Iran to provide oil to the United States and calls on the Administration to take action to reestablish U.S. energy independence. Congressman Palmer released the following statement:

"Energy and gas prices began to rise as soon as President Biden took office. Within his first weeks in office, he shut down domestic energy production by closing the Keystone Pipeline and putting a moratorium on production on federal lands. For the last year, we bought oil from Russia, which lined Putin's coffers as he prepared to attack Ukraine. Biden is now negotiating with Venezuela and Iran for it, other dictatorships which hate American values and regularly commit human rights abuses. This is unconscionable and nonsensical. The United States sits on an abundance of energy resources. It makes no sense to rely on enemy regimes for our oil when we could produce it right here on our own lands. It undermines our economy, emboldens our enemies, and weakens our position on the world stage. American energy independence will lead to a more prosperous America and a safer world. My colleagues and I are proud to introduce this resolution to censure the Biden Administration's actions in seeking to purchase Venezuelan and Iranian oil and to call on the President to prioritize American energy independence."
