Fox News "Hannity" - Transcript: Interview with Greg Abbott



Now, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, he's standing up to all this madness. He's vowing that Texas will do everything in its power to secure the border, protect its residents. He's also standing up for human dignity and freedom, barring vaccine mandates and continue to follow the science, unlike Biden, the CDC, and Dr. Doom and Gloom, Flip-Flop Fauci. Again, he needs to be fired.

Here with reaction, Texas Governor Greg Abbott is with us.

Mr. Governor, good to see you. Thanks for being with us.

You know, you talk about super spreader events of all super spreader, right? Okay, the people at the border not only are they being allowed to break the law, they're also being aided embedded by Biden and assisted and then they're transported untested to the 48 states in the continental U.S.

You have been trying to deal with it. We've seen Biden's overcrowded cages for kids that he built.

Where are we now and how big a factor is this as Americans get draconian measures now forced on them, there are no standards for people entering the country illegally?

GOV. GREG ABBOTT (R), TEXAS: So this shows the double standard from the Biden administration, because remember this also, and that is as the Biden administration is allowing people to come across the southern border, many of whom who have COVID, most of whom are not really being checked for COVID. Those who do have COVID, some have been released into our cities, at the very same time the Biden administration is preventing people from -- to come across the northern border from Canada into the United States, until maybe later on this month or sometime even later.

So there is a double standard policy in that regard, but also there's a double standard as it concerns American citizens, that the Biden administration wants to put even more draconian controls on but is allowing these people to come across our southern border.

Sean, that's why I'm the only governor in American history who has stepped up to build a border wall, stepped up to actually arrest people who are coming across the border illegally, and that's why I issued that executive order that wound me up in a federal court today against the Biden administration that's trying to shut down what Texas is trying to do, which is simply to keep our fellow Texans safe from exposure to COVID, from the people that the Biden administration is releasing into the United States.

HANNITY: I'm having a hard time understanding because we are a country, a nation of laws. I know I'm not allowed to pick and choose nor would I dare pick and choose the laws I choose to obey and those that I don't want to obey. If I did, I'm pretty sure they put me in jail and throw away the key, Governor.

And the question is, they are aiding and abetting in the law-breaking and while they're putting these measures on Americans.

Now, they have come after you to sue you -- let me get this straight -- for upholding the laws of the land. Because we have a process if you don't like laws, you get to change them. You have two houses of Congress, a president signs a bill into law -- I think we all learn that at a young age.

And by doing that, they're suing you and going after you and trying to stop you from protecting the people of your state. My understanding is right?

ABBOTT: You're right. You got it exactly right.


ABBOTT: It shows how upside down this administration is and our country is right now because for, one, the Biden administration is not applying or enforcing the law passed by the United States Congress. For another, I am trying to enforce it and the Biden administration is suing me.

But also remember that Texas is suing the Biden administration. When the sun sets on all of this, hopefully, the courts will uphold and enforce the law, forcing the Biden administration to start enforcing border security.

In the meantime, Texas will step up and do that ourselves.

HANNITY: And then after the people spend in the middle of a pandemic time in overcrowded cages that Biden built in the middle of a pandemic, then they are given free transportation to states that are then responsible for, what, food, shelter, education, health care? Is that happening?

ABBOTT: There's -- that's it -- the Biden administration is exporting the migrants, some of whom have COVID, across the entire country, causing locations across the entire country to have to foot the bill for Biden's refusal to enforce the immigration laws of the United States.

HANNITY: Governor, all the support we can give you, I support everything you're doing. It's sad that you have to work this hard simply to uphold the law of the land and to look out for the health of the people of Texas and the rest of the country. Sad.

Thank you for being with us.

