Rogers on Dismal April Jobs Report


Date: May 7, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

(WASHINGTON, DC) -- Congressman Mike Rogers made the following statement following the release of the dismal April Jobs Report.

"While the economy boomed under President Trump with record unemployment, President Biden is pursuing a socialist wishlist that includes job-killing pet projects and over-regulation.

"This is a scary time for our country, as the Biden administration and Washington Democrats incentivize people to stay home and collect a government check over seeking good paying jobs. Employers in the Third District have job openings and simply can't find people willing to fill them.

"I know folks across East Alabama take pride in a hard day's work and would rather earn a living than sit back and collect a free check. What liberal Democrats are seeking to do is increase government dependence through government handouts -- this is how socialism starts and it's not who we are as a country," Rogers said.

Rogers serves as Ranking Member on the House Armed Services Committee.
