Tester Throws Support Behind Montana Resolution Prioritizing Milk River Project

Press Release

U.S. Senator Jon Tester today threw his support behind a joint resolution making its way through the Montana legislature that would support completion of the St. Mary and Milk River Project, which thousands of Montana farmers rely on for access to reliable irrigation water in northcentral Montana.

"The St. Mary Milk River Project is a true lifeline for folks on the Hi-Line, and I strongly support this resolution in the Montana Legislature. This project will benefit our agricultural economy, towns, and Tribal communities-clearly evidenced by the diverse group of stakeholders that have fought for it for decades-and it needs to be fully rehabilitated. I've been fighting alongside them for this restoration since my days in the state legislature, and will be reintroducing my legislation to move the rebuilding process forward and ensure that these critical upgrades are made without breaking the bank for local, farmers, ranchers, and other water users."

Tester has been pushing to increase investments in the Milk River Project since his time serving in the Montana Legislature, and his St. Mary's Reinvestment Act would reduce the cost irrigators will have to pay to make critical investments in and improvements to the rest of the Milk River Project so that irrigators in Eastern Montana have the water security they need to survive.

The Milk River Project provides water to 18,000 Montanans and irrigates enough cropland to feed one million people.
