Danger of Gender Identity Politics

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 23, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. BOEBERT. Madam Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding time.

The Equality Act.

Madam Speaker, equality for who?

Where is the equality in this legislation for the young girls across America who have to look behind their backs as they change in their school locker rooms just to make sure there isn't a confused man trying to catch a peek?

Where is the equality for women who have been sexually assaulted?

Under this legislation, their crisis counselor may be ``Alexis'' who was actually born ``Alex.'' And they will have to talk to him about their assault.

Where is the equality for parents who want and deserve the right to raise their children, free from government overreach?

Under this proposal, Congress seeks to replace mom and dad with bureaucrats. This isn't hyperbole. In Ohio, a mom and dad had their child removed from their custody because they didn't allow their daughter to undergo gender transition. Removed from their custody.

And so here we are. The left will lay down the rights and security of millions of Americans, particularly young women, at the altar of gender ideology.

Following the lead of liberal indoctrination camps, also called colleges and universities, my colleagues on the left are committed to advancing this radical ideology, the rights and sovereignty of individual States be darned. So much for Federalism.

The power-hungry left will not slow down until every school, every church, every workplace, every State, and every community adheres to the left's definition of gender.

You disagree?

They will find you. They will imprison you. Or as we have seen, they will even take your children. And let's make sure the American people know this is only the beginning.

The Equality Act requires doctors to perform abortions, and they are going to use your tax dollars to pay for them.

Once the left codifies their ideology, they will come for your speech. It is already happening in Canada, where you can be fined and imprisoned for misgendering someone.

Madam Speaker, they won't stop there. Nothing will ever satisfy the left until there is complete and total compliance.

Madam Speaker, Scripture says, when speaking of those who have turned their back on God, who have traded the truth for a lie: Professing to be wise, they became fools.

I can think of no better description of the so-called Equality Act, or inequality act, than this. The utter foolishness is astounding. Up is down. Wrong is right. Left is right. Boys are girls and vice versa.

Madam Speaker, for the sake of our sons and daughters, for the sake of parental rights, privacy, decency, and so much more, I urge my colleagues to vote ``no'' on this horrendous legislation.

