Issue Position: Economic development that promotes high paying jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Quick Snip: Building houses alone does not constitute Economic Development. Economic development HAS to have a component involving GOOD PAYING JOBS.

The expanded discussion: Burlington is in the midst of a significant growth spurt in housing in the city. I didn't say AFFORDABLE housing since it is a word that implies one thing, but to many folks has a wide range of meanings…, rent, buy, maintain, heat, share-so many expectations, but in this market, a LOT of the unsubsidized housing is still not what many of the target audience, seniors and young families, can afford.

Economic Development potential in our town must embrace both housing cost and adequate access to jobs that pay more than minimum wage if the economy of Burlington is going to prosper and bring ALL citizens up the livability index ladder. Simply building condos and apartments does not in and of itself constitute economic development.

In addition, our infrastructure must promote Burlington as a city that has its house in order.
