Issue Position: Meet Kellie

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

As a lifelong Republican, in 2018 I ran for and was elected to serve as your State Representative, District 28. As a current Representative, I have resolved the school finance crisis, been a leading voice regarding property tax reform, worked to lower your utility bills and food sales tax, preserved access to quality healthcare, and voted to uphold a culture of life. I am excited about this opportunity to represent and serve our community in the Kansas Senate. As we face unprecedented challenges, we must have Senate leaders who will be focused on getting Kansas back on track and get our economy roaring. In the Senate I will continue my record of bringing reasonable solutions to the problems facing Kansas -- no matter the subject. As an attorney, finding reasonable solutions is what I do. I'm a trusted problem solver.

Using facts and the law, I work to reach a principled outcome. This usually means that neither side gets everything that it wants, but at the end of the day, they all agree that the resolution was reasonable. I'm concerned that special interest groups are politicizing our schools, and moving us towards unacceptable outcomes, where parents are so politicized that they will no longer work together to keep our schools world-class. I don't want that to happen in our schools, or in our state.

I believe that government functions best when reasoned resolutions are reached. No more bickering and false rhetoric, particularly in these times. Like I do as a Representative, I will rise above that and speak the facts and the truth, and bring reasonable fixes to Kansas.
