Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Education

Public education is the bedrock of our society. Every student, regardless of economic status, race, gender, ability, or any other factor deserves only the highest quality education. Our public education system, like any other public institution, is not without its flaws. But it is still our best hope for preparing our children to become self-realized, confident, contributing members of society.
In Delaware, we need major reform of public school funding. First, schools should be funded based on need, not just pupil count. Second, referendums about school funding should me abolished. Voters in affluent areas, already with quality schools, can afford higher taxes, so they consistently approve referendums and their schools continue to get better. The opposite occurs in less affluent areas, causing good schools to get better while struggling schools struggle more and more. Finally, although we must of course remain open to various dynamic forms of education, we should not support charter and private schools over public schools.
I also support unbiased, thorough consideration of consolidating at least some of Delaware's school districts, without predetermined pessimism and special interests' having a seat at the table.

Establish public pre-K for all students
Move towards tuition-free public colleges and universities, and trade schools
Expand the SEED program
Remove police from schools, and eliminate harsh "zero tolerance" policies
