Issue Position: Fair & Transparent Government

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Leading With Integrity

One of the biggest hurdles Missourians face is a lack of fair representation in our state legislature. Of 163 house districts, 114 seats are held by Republicans and 48 are held by Democrats. The technical term for this is a legislative supermajority, and it simply does not represent the diversity of views and experiences of all Missourians.

Vote No on 3! In 2018, 62 percent of Missourians voted to pass Clean Missouri--an amendment designed to make our state government more transparent, limit the influence of big money in our legislature, ensure bipartisan redistricting, and hold elected leaders accountable when they don't act in the best interest of the public. Since then, Republican lawmakers have been trying to overturn the will of the voters, and this session, they got their way with SJR 38, or "Dirty Missouri" which is on the November ballot as Amendment 3. This amendment is similar to Clean Missouri, but does not prevent partisan redistricting (gerrymandering) of our state's districts--which helps incumbent Republicans hold on to their seats and power.

Additionally, the Republican leadership in Missouri--from Governor Parson down to the legislature--seems committed to making it more difficult for folks to vote safely this year. Missourians are struggling to regain any sense of normalcy during this pandemic, and these efforts are undemocratic and unacceptable.

Transparency at all levels of government is not only crucial to the success of our democracy, it's what Missourians want. I will lead with integrity and work to ensure our state government is fair, transparent and responsive to constituents.
