Issue Position: Energy, Our Environment, and Water

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

We have to recognize that climate change is real, and deadly serious. Unfortunately, our national government has given up on our promises to reduce the impact of climate change, and our state and local governments have to pick up the reins. Our already arid landscape is especially vulnerable to climate change here in New Mexico, and we have to do everything we can to preserve and protect our natural environment, wildlife, and farms and ranches. We can step up by:

Moving away from extractive, nonrenewable energy and towards renewable energy like solar and wind. Not only is this a great way to tackle climate change, it's also a great investment in our local economy.

Increasing New Mexico's renewable portfolio standards for our utilities so we use more the energy we generate in New Mexico here at home.

Continuing to provide incentives to develop our renewable energy potential, like tax credits, RPS standards, and incentives for distributed (household) and community solar development.

Supporting the methane rule, which cuts wastes and improves state royalty payments, creates jobs, and protects the health of our communities from unnecessary and dangerous pollution.
