Issue Position: Domestic Violence

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Helping Those That Need Help
What I learned while fighting for gun rights, is we do very little to really help women, and men, to empower them to leave violent situations. There is an expectation that the system will take care of them, and it doesn't always work. We need more effective ways to help our survivors.

Some of these survivors could benefit from the protection of a firearm, however the mindset of the anti-gun people is that the women should stay a victim and not protect themselves. Sadly, if an abuser is going to kill, it will usually be when the victim leaves. This is when a firearm and self defense training could very well protect their lives. Firearms are not for everyone, but it certainly should be an option and not discourage by the anti-gun groups.

Aside from self preservation, we need to more resources to help those that are trying to help themselves.

"As a survivor of Domestic Violence in my youth, I certainly understand how empowering a firearm can be for protection."
