Issue Position: Crime

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

It's Time to Come Up With Real Solutions

Instead of listening to people with experience, the governor intentionally excluded the Sheriffs from crime discussions and did not listen to their input. Instead of listening to their ideas based on real-life experience, she focused on unconstitutional bills that punish legal gun owners; these bills did nothing to reduce crime over this past two years. The answer is to look at other cities, states, and countries that have lowered crime successfully and to implement those methods in New Mexico. We must also come together with all forms of law enforcement, probation officers, district attorneys, social workers, mental health professionals, and actually listen to what they have to say.

Things we can do now that work:

Focus on Hotspots: There is scientific evidence that focusing on hotspots (a practice in which law enforcement is disproportionately stationed in areas with higher crime rates) and 'hot people' can prevent or reduce violence. But this also needs other measures to accompany, such as urban upgrading and early childhood intervention.

Third-Party Policing: Getting business or building owners to partner with police so they can work with the community and identify specific problems, then tailor a plan to solve them to reduce crime.

The Impact of Drugs: Drug dealing and abuse is a massive drive for crime and community insecurity. It's time to focus on the reality of the drug problem in New Mexico and find solutions. Instead of partisan policies, we need to find what works for New Mexico.

Stop the Revolving Door: We need to immediately rescind the bail reform amendment that allow criminals to be released without bail and has increased the number of no shows to follow up court hearings.
