Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Rep. Kildee Leads 52 Members of Congress in Urging Relief for Americans Living Paycheck to Paycheck


As Congress considers additional emergency supplementals to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, we ask that we prioritize direct support for those that need it most: working class Americans, particularly the millions of families living paycheck to paycheck.

Approximately 40 percent of Americans wouldn't be able to cover a $400 emergency with cash, savings or a credit-card charge that they could quickly pay off. These families are in the most need of help in these times of need. We are hearing from constituents every day who are afraid that they cannot pay their bills, put food on the table or afford their prescriptions.

To help families get through this crisis, we believe that we must immediately act to provide direct cash assistance or unemployment insurance payments to Americans. Because of the urgency of this crisis, every day we wait to act could mean families are in a worse-off position.

In reviewing the most-recent emergency aid proposal unveiled by Republicans in the U.S. Senate, I am concerned that many workers, including low-income and non-tax filers, are treated differently than others. The legislation would provide checks of $1,200 per adult for many families, as well as $500 for every child in those families. But the poorest families, those with no federal income tax liability, would see smaller benefits.

Direct cash assistance and increased unemployment insurance payments for low-income workers living paycheck to paycheck would have an immediate impact on our economy. Any assistance we get into the hands of these workers now will be directly spent, creating much-needed stimulus for our economy. Our focus should be getting, at a minimum, the same aid to families in a time of need and not treating low-income families differently than other families.

Thank you for your consideration.
